Thursday, April 2, 2020

Dynamic-to-Static and Scene Composition

Talking with a few friends and reflecting on it, I need to scale this environment back to something feasable.  I have a good amount of assets to work with, I just need to bring them up in quality. Rocks and architecture meshes are all retopo'd and stick to 512 TD.  I'll be moving to doing material work for now, and try to get prop color and surface details down. In addition to reworking the space, I converted from Dynamic to Static Lighting.  I kept the blue light in the entrance to Dynamic since I'm not totally sold on it's position and hue. Builds take about an hour to see changes, but the results are pretty dang nice to see now.  The rocks and world pop way better.

New Space w/Dynamic:

New Space w/Static:

Monday, March 2, 2020

Removing Debris, pushing more on brazier meshes

 WIP with new braziers, some greybox meshes for focus points are placed in. 


Talking with a friend on Discord about directions, and I had an idea expanding off of this area.  It would be a chest area, and a dead guy would be underneath.  I'm an urrteest

Thursday, February 27, 2020

WIP Brazier Sculpt

 Brazier Column WIP.   Further developed the sculpt, and this time I'll be trying to take a more optimized approach, and then use Vertex Blending to add uniqueness

Monday, February 3, 2020

It's froggy outside

 Adding exponential height fog has given me some nice illusion of depth to work with.  Also, these filler ground rock meshes are great for stamping in bland areas.  The mountains still need more work, but the fresnel effect on the rock portions are giving it more life and material separation.