Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Substance Painter, Material Shaders and tweaks

I moved the bakes from ZBrush into Substance Painter, and I'm texturing that now.  I've also updated the material network for the Trim, and it's using standard nodes instead of functions.  I dont want to create a whole new function for just this one trim....or maybe I should.  It might be overkill.  Finally, I added some more fern plants around, and some lights.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Trim Sheet is building up!

Started a trim sheet for the radar base! The UV's on the kit will need more change, but I'm super happy I'm tackling this now.  I've been looking at other trims people have done.  A friend I worked with made a great metal trim for his wrecked airplane environment, and it's motivating me a lot.  I updated the modular kit, and I'm going to make some more props with this trim sheet. 

I'm also getting into ZScripting.  For the trim sheet, I made two buttons that'll help me distribute repeated shapes evenly.  I'll improve more on this as I learn, but being able to make a tool in ZBrush is a heck of a lot easier and saved me struggle time and gave me more creative time
 I'm really excited for this week!!!1! WOOO! leggo.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lighting Pass, updated Grass, and Crate update

I watched a tutorial that covered lighting in UE4, and it felt good to see how its mostly a jumping back and forth between looks.  I'm going for a sunset/post rain, with some muddy clay aspects.  I'm hoping by the weekend I can make some more rocks.  I'm not happy with my current set atm, and I think it's because geometry is very low res.  I should go a little bit more higher.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Crate Bake and Materials

Baked out maps and started Materials in Substance.  I'm a big fan of stamps, so for my first time using Substance Painter 2018, I experimented with the hardsurface tool.  Really makes the process go by faster and gives a good result.  My bake needs some clean up, so I'll correct that all tomorrow

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Crate Blockout

Crate blockout was made tonight...but I'm currently sucked into Ninja's streaming with Drake, Lil Yachty, and Juju.  This is so much fun to watch.  Now I'm definitly on the Fortnite train haha.  Tomorrow I'll finish up my crystal shards props and then I'll jump into ZBrush for my crate High Poly.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ground Material Updates, focus area added, substance material

Something was wrong with my terrain material so I re-did a lot of the Vertex Painting in the place.  I also made a new Substance for the rocky party, but that needs a hell of a lot of work to it.  Lastly, there's the focus area by the end of the dirt path in front of the radar base.  It's going to be decorated with some Crates for a Guardian to rummage through.  

I have quite a few things in mind I want to knock out this week, including getting started on the base itself.  I've done tons of foliage and not enough hard-surface, which I really love.  This will be the week to start some of it!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Tire Track tweaks, more vegetation placement and ground materials

Made a leafy ground...and then i realized I should mix in more to that material.  I'll have to revisit in the week.  For now, I must drink this Arnold Palmer and finish Horizon Zero Dawn.