Monday, December 25, 2017


I'm free from CGMA classes and work! Christmas!  I've been working on a weapon prop for a while and I'll share that when its completed.  Here, I've been redoing my blockout after playing a ton of Destiny 2.  The overall art direction and environments are around topics I really love.  This is a huge change from the past blockout, but the space will suffice.  

The new environment takes place on the European Drop Zone, right by a special entrance for members of the Ishtar Collective to visit.  The facility is now up for raids by Guardians to clear out Hive, and the outside is a rally point. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Blockout

Something about the previous blockout wasn't working.  I decided to make it a transitioning scene from a forest into the edge of an Ishtar Collections city from Destiny's Venus area.  I also want to tackle vistas/skyboxes the way Bungie does them.  I'm happier with this layout so I'll keep choppin away at this for the week.  CGMA Class starts next week, so this project will come to a halt for a while. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Blockout w/o junk

My tree on the right is missing! but i added some blockout stuff
 i also finished my collage and style boards!  I'll 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blockout update 01

Moved things closer together in this scene.  Added a knocked over tree

Monday, October 2, 2017

A sad day. Really sad.

The Las Vegas shooting happened today.  It's really put me in a drained state.  It's tough seeing two political sides slam it and its creating more toxicity.  It's exhausting to see people call others who are speak out against the violence and the 17 guns the man stockpiled snowflakes, repugs, and just flat out hate for all groups of people other than themselves.  All while Puerto Rico is torn apart, Florida is recovering, North Korea, and Houston is still remaining a sewer.  I haven't felt like this growing up, because tragedies didn't impact me and my sports/grades.  Now as an adult looking at this, it hurts a lot more. 

I've moved onto a concepting and blockout of a new idea:

Sunday, September 24, 2017

That great feedback!

He gave me lots of amazing feedback and guidance on this pass.  Check out more of his work here:

-Stronger Normal Maps for Water
-Changed grass hue
-Sub Surface Scattering on all foliage assets
-New Doghouse
-Added unique blade grass to help with blending between dirt and grass
-Rotate trees that depicted UV seams
-Placed Spotlights and Pointlight in dark areas to illuminate more.
-Cutting back on shots

I'm Probably leaning towards the 2nd shot with the multiple light-shafts.  I need to better convey the space in the bottom shots but I think with a bit more playing tonight I'll be on the right path